As a psycholsogist, I came into contact with people who had experienced extreme situations
- sometimes as victims, sometimes as offenders.
With the help of psychology I tried to explain people's behavior and find an answer to existential questions.

The lack of communication that leads to prejudice and conflicts, has inspired my work as an artist.
By using satire I've found my way to deal with these existential problems in my work.
Due to my interest in human rights, I participated in several initiatives for Amnesty International
and for the protection of water with works of art.

Since 2004 I use transparent materials, including recycled materials (polyethylene, polyester and acetate film)
in installations, assemblages, images and videos. Its transparency, airiness and special aesthetic quality
gave me the possibility to involve the third spacial dimension in my art works.

"Transparency" as the main concept in my work features the human being with its wide variety of existential aspects.
It may be considered as a metaphor for the globalization of our world in which the "individual" becomes "transparent"
and vanishes into an anonymous mass and disppear compressed in a new invisible material existence
in the channel of digital communication. Under this concept of communication, the wire nets woven by me in my works
contain symbolically the network of human contacts too - networks that unifies and unites all men and women
worldwide and makes them dependent on each other in every aspect of life.

Giovanna Valli

Video Art 1995 - 2014


La Terza Immagine,  25'', 2007

"...a video in which images are displayed on polyethylen sheets (800x400 cm) hit by gusts of wind rustling
sound of theese "pages" shakes with whipped exhibition space recorirng and humanity, our awn, in dange of extinction.''

Miriam Cristaldi, Genova

Further movies:

All for one and one for all 10'' (2014)

"Die Brücke", Documentary on the Unity of Europe, 10'' ( 2014)

Storia d'Italia in due minuti, animation, 2" (1995 / 2011)

1513, animation, 11" (2010)

Nothing to declare, documentrary about the artist Pier Giuglio Bonifacio, 40" (2007)

Eclipse - Destruction of a mural,  Nürnberg, 20" (2000)

Sonnenfinsterniss, Odeonsplatz Munich, documentary, 20" (1999)

Jingle Bells and other short animations, 25" (1995)

Imperium, animation, 16" (1995)

Works 2004 -2008

"Quelli che furono"
50 x 70 x 5 cm
Drawing on polyethylen, (3D)
 collage on fotomontage
(Colosseo di Piranesi)


drawing on polyethylen
50 x 40 x 8 cm


"...A work composed of dozens of bottles in which the artist created a symbolic army "uterine" inhabited by small,
 transparent human figures containing written chemical formulas and operations relating to focuses on a scientific research... antropocentric view,
 lost in the contemporary causes exuberant and elusive technological development.
Miriam Cristaldi (Il cittadino) Genova, 2007

A r t i s t

A  d  d  r  e  s  s